Personal Profile

リカンバレエシアター、ボリショイバレエ、ジョージアバレエ等のダンサーのマネージメントをしている。プロデューサー、またコンサルタントとしても活動し、リンカーンセンターでの映像上映や写真展、2015年にバレリーナドキュメンタリーフィルム、2016年にはブラジルサンパウロのバレエスクールを追ったドキュメンタリー、そして2017年にはバレエダンサー、マルセロ・ゴメスのドキュメンタリー映画『Anatomy of a Male Ballet Dancer』をプロデュースし受賞を果たす。
また、今後発表されるドキュメンタリーフィルム『Danced out』と『Before the Ballet』のアドバイザーを務めている。講師、審査員としては、ユースアメリカグランプリで全米を回り、審査員を務めている。アメリカンバレエシアターのナショナルトレーニングカリキュラム資格取得。
He was a dancer with American Ballet Theatre for 20 years (1976 ‒ 1996). He worked with many great choreographers of the 20th Century, including Anthony Tudor, Sir Kenneth MacMillan, Jerome Robbins, Agnes de Mille, Glen Tetley, George Balanchine, Sir Frederick Ashton, Twyla Tharp, and
Mark Morris. He has appeared in over a dozen Live from Lincoln Center and Dance in America television broadcasts, and was featured in the 1987 Herbert Ross film Dancers. For the past two decades, He has been Artist Manager for an elite group of classical performing artists. His clients include Principal and Soloist dancers with ABT, the Bolshoi Ballet and
State Ballet of Georgia. He has curated film and photography exhibitions programs for Lincoln Center. He was consultant on the 2015 documentary A Ballerina’s Tale, and the 2016 documentary Looking at the Stars, about a ballet school for the blind in Sao Paolo, Brasil. He co-produced the award-winning 2017 documentary Marcelo Gomes: Anatomy
of a Male Ballet Dancer. He co-produced the gala for the 120th Anniversary of Teatro Amazonas Opera House in Manaus, Brazil, and produced the world premiere opera at the Baryshnikov Arts Center in 2017. He was advisor/coordinator for The Juilliard School’s Juilliard Open Studios. He is a teacher, coach and adjudicator for Youth America Grand Prix.
He is a graduate of the Inaugural Class of American Ballet Theatre’s National Training Curriculum.